Is PU Coated Fabric Scratch Proof?

pu coated fabric
The PU Coated Fabric is scratch proof.

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As a factory producing 600D PU coated polyester fabric, we understand the importance of quality and durability in our products. One of the concerns that we often hear from our customers is whether the PU coating on our fabric is scratch-proof. It is a valid concern, as scratches can not only affect the appearance of the fabric but also compromise its functionality and longevity.

The answer is yes.

In this article, we will address this question and provide insights into the scratch resistance of PU coating. We will also explain the factors that can affect the scratch resistance of PU coated fabric and the measures we take to ensure the quality and durability of our products. We hope that this article will be informative and helpful for our customers in making informed decisions about their fabric needs.

Scratch Resistance of PU Coating

Scratch resistance is an important property for coated fabrics, as it affects the overall durability and lifespan of the product. Both water-based and oil-based PU coatings can provide good scratch resistance, but there are some differences to consider.

Water-based PU coatings typically have better scratch resistance than oil-based coatings. This is because they form a harder and more abrasion-resistant surface when they dry. Additionally, water-based coatings are more flexible, which can help them better withstand bending and folding without cracking or flaking.

However, oil-based PU coatings can still provide good scratch resistance, especially if they are formulated with high-quality ingredients and applied correctly. They may also have better water resistance than water-based coatings, which can be an important factor for some applications.

Ultimately, the choice between water-based and oil-based PU coatings will depend on your specific application and requirements. If scratch resistance is a top priority, water-based coatings may be the better option. However, if water resistance is more important, oil-based coatings may be the way to go.

Testing PU Coating for Scratch Resistance

Testing Method

Scratch resistance is an important consideration when selecting coated fabrics for various applications. PU (polyurethane) coated 600D polyester fabric is a popular choice due to its durability and water-resistant properties. However, the scratch resistance of PU coated fabrics can vary based on factors such as coating thickness, substrate type, and the testing method employed.

To test the scratch resistance of PU coated 600D polyester fabric, the pencil hardness test is the most common method. This test involves using pencils of varying hardness to scratch the surface of the fabric, starting with the softest pencil and gradually increasing the hardness until the coating is scratched. The scratch hardness value is recorded as the hardness of the pencil that causes the first visible scratch on the coating.

The abrasion resistance test is another commonly used method. This test involves rubbing a specified abrasive material against the coated surface of the fabric for a specified number of cycles. The fabric is then inspected for any signs of wear or damage. The Martindale abrasion tester is a widely used machine for conducting this test.

It’s essential to note that the scratch resistance of PU coated fabrics can be influenced by temperature, humidity, and the type of abrasive material employed in the testing process. Therefore, it’s recommended to perform multiple tests under different conditions to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the scratch resistance of the fabric.

In conclusion, the scratch resistance of PU coated 600D polyester fabric can be assessed using various methods, with the pencil hardness and abrasion resistance tests being the most commonly used. However, it’s critical to conduct tests under different conditions to obtain accurate and reliable results. By understanding the scratch resistance of coated fabrics, manufacturers can ensure the quality and durability of their products, while consumers can make informed decisions when selecting materials for their applications.

Industry Standards

Scratch resistance is an important property of PU coated 600D polyester fabric that determines its durability and longevity. The industry has established certain standards for testing the scratch resistance of such fabrics to ensure their quality and performance.

One of the commonly used tests is the Martindale abrasion test, which involves rubbing the fabric against an abrasive surface under controlled conditions. The number of cycles required to cause visible damage to the fabric is recorded as the abrasion resistance value.

Another test method is the Taber abrasion test, which uses a rotating wheel with an abrasive material to wear down the fabric surface. The weight loss and the number of cycles required to reach a certain level of damage are measured and compared with the standard values.

Apart from these, there are other tests such as the Crock meter test and the scuff resistance test, which evaluate the fabric’s ability to resist rubbing and staining.

By adhering to these industry standards for testing scratch resistance, manufacturers can ensure that their PU coated 600D polyester fabric meets the required quality and durability standards for various applications.

Factors that Affect Scratch Resistance of PU Coating

Type of PU Coating: The type of PU coating used can have a significant impact on the scratch resistance of the fabric. There are two main types of PU coatings – solvent-based and water-based. Solvent-based coatings tend to provide better scratch resistance than water-based coatings.

The thickness of the coating: The thickness of the PU coating can also affect the scratch resistance of the fabric. A thicker coating can provide better scratch resistance, but it can also make the fabric heavier and less breathable.

Curing Time: The curing time of the PU coating can also impact the scratch resistance of the fabric. If the coating is not cured properly, it may not adhere to the fabric properly, leading to reduced scratch resistance.

Type of Fabric: The type of fabric used can also affect the scratch resistance of the PU coating. Polyester fabrics are known for their durability, but different types of polyester can have varying levels of scratch resistance.

Abrasion Resistance Test Method: The method used to test the abrasion resistance of the PU coated fabric can also impact the results. There are various testing methods available, including the Martindale and Wyzenbeek tests, and the results can vary depending on the method used.

Comparison of Scratch Resistance of PU Coated Fabrics with other Coatings

PU coating vs PVC coating

PU (polyurethane) and PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coatings are commonly used in the production of 600D polyester fabrics. One important factor to consider when choosing between the two coatings is their scratch resistance.

PU coatings generally provide better scratch resistance than PVC coatings. This is because PU coatings have a harder surface, which makes them more resistant to abrasion and scratching. In addition, PU coatings are more flexible than PVC coatings, which means they can withstand repeated bending and folding without cracking or peeling.

PVC coatings, on the other hand, are more prone to scratching and abrasion. This is because PVC coatings have a softer surface, which makes them more susceptible to damage from friction and rubbing.

PU coating vs TPU coating

PU (polyurethane) and TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) are two commonly used coatings for enhancing the scratch resistance of 600D polyester fabric. Both coatings offer excellent durability and protection, but there are some key differences between them.

PU coating provides a hard and smooth surface that offers good resistance to scratches and abrasions. It is commonly used in applications that require high durability and water resistance. On the other hand, TPU coating offers a soft and flexible surface that is highly resistant to scratches and abrasions. It is commonly used in applications that require high flexibility and elasticity.

In terms of scratch resistance, TPU coating offers better performance than PU coating due to its high elasticity and flexibility. TPU coating can resist scratches and abrasions more effectively without cracking or peeling. However, PU coating is more suitable for applications that require high water resistance and durability.

PU coating vs. Silicone coating

PU coating and silicon coating are two commonly used coatings for 600D polyester fabrics. When it comes to scratch resistance, PU coating offers better durability than silicon coating. PU coating is a thermoplastic coating that forms a strong bond with the fabric, resulting in a highly durable and scratch-resistant surface. On the other hand, silicon coating is a softer and more flexible coating that offers good water repellency but has lower scratch resistance compared to PU coating.

In applications where scratch resistance is a critical factor, such as outdoor gear and bags, PU coating is a more suitable choice. However, silicon coating may be preferred for applications where flexibility and water repellency are more important, such as rainwear and tents. Ultimately, the choice between PU coating and silicon coating will depend on the specific requirements of the application.

Applications of Scratch-Resistant PU coated Fabrics

PU coated fabrics are widely used in a variety of industries due to their durability, water resistance, and flexibility. However, the addition of a scratch-resistant coating can further enhance the performance and longevity of these fabrics, making them suitable for even more demanding applications.

One area where scratch-resistant PU coated fabrics are particularly useful is in the manufacturing of bags and luggage. These products are subject to heavy wear and tear, which can result in scratches, scuffs, and other types of damage. A scratch-resistant coating helps to protect the surface of the fabric, ensuring that the bags and luggage retain their appearance and functionality for longer periods of time.

Another industry that can benefit from the use of scratch-resistant PU coated fabrics is the automotive sector. Car interiors are subjected to a lot of wear and tear, with scratches and scuffs often occurring on the seats, dashboard, and door panels. A scratch-resistant coating on the fabric used in these areas can help to prevent damage, keeping the car looking newer for longer.

In addition to bags, luggage, and car interiors, scratch-resistant PU coated fabrics can also be used in a range of outdoor applications, including awnings, tents, and outdoor furniture. These products are exposed to the elements, and scratches and scuffs can quickly accumulate, leading to a worn and damaged appearance. A scratch-resistant coating on the fabric can help to prevent this damage, increasing the lifespan of the product and reducing the need for repairs or replacements.

Maintenance and care for PU coated Fabrics to prolong Scratch Resistance

As a manufacturer of 600D PU coated polyester fabrics, it is important to understand the importance of maintenance and care for these materials. PU coating on fabrics provides enhanced scratch resistance, but proper care and maintenance are necessary to prolong the life of the coating and ensure maximum protection.

Here are some tips on how to care for PU coated fabrics:

Avoid using harsh detergents or solvents when cleaning the fabric. Instead, use a mild detergent and lukewarm water to gently clean the surface.

Do not use fabric softeners or bleach, as these can damage the PU coating and reduce its scratch resistance.

When washing the fabric, use a gentle cycle and low spin speed to avoid damaging the coating.

Avoid drying the fabric in direct sunlight or high heat, as this can cause the PU coating to deteriorate over time.

Store the fabric in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture.

By following these simple steps, you can extend the life of your PU coated fabrics and maintain their scratch resistance. Remember that proper care and maintenance are essential for ensuring the longevity and performance of these materials.


PU coating, or a polyurethane coating, is a commonly used material in various industries, including the production of 600D PU coated polyester fabric. While PU coating provides excellent water resistance, durability, and flexibility, it is not entirely scratch-proof.

While PU coating does provide some level of protection against scratches, it is still susceptible to damage from abrasion, sharp objects, and excessive pressure. However, the level of scratch resistance can vary depending on the quality and thickness of the PU coating.

It is essential to note that proper care and maintenance of the PU-coated fabric can help to prevent scratches and extend its lifespan. Avoid exposing the fabric to harsh environments, rough surfaces, and abrasive materials. Also, make sure to clean the fabric regularly using a mild soap solution and avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the PU coating.

In summary, while PU coating is not entirely scratch-proof, it can provide some level of protection against scratches, depending on the quality and thickness of the coating.

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